Tuesday, 7 April 2015

I Love Tea But Not In That Mug: Controls on Immigration on the Table

by Lorraine Lally
As a tea lover the misuse and abuse of a mug which is a common household item to send a message was upsetting because these items will survive even if the Party does not get elected. This mug was not Ukip either which another worrying point is.


To quote Diane Abbott a member of the Labour Party “This shameful mug is an embarrassment. But real problem is that immigration controls are one of our 5 pledges at all”.   I was severely distressed and sickened almost to the point of not wanting a cuppa tea at the United Kingdom Labour Party selling red mugs with a pledge.  They are being purchased for 4 pounds, can you imagine buying a mug stating “controls on immigration” there were no mugs stating “Increase Disability Supports” or “Promote Child Welfare” or “Report Domestic Violence”. The United Kingdom is our closest neighbour and the discourse that is present there is equally present in other EU States such as Spain.  Barcelona has a serious issue with illegal immigrants like most European Countries.  And on a recent trip it was clear the ghettoization that had occurred in the City. I hate seeming the use of high rise buildings with large amounts of impoverished migrants who are all surviving in unacceptable conditions often in accommodation that is not appropriate.


When talking to a member of staff in the hotel about racism he stated that there was a symbol on the entry to some nightclubs as blacks/Arabs and other foreigners are not welcome. The person telling me this was of African descent with a Spanish mother.


I asked him if it bothered him and he reckoned that it was easier to keep the peace and stay away from where you are not wanted.  I mentioned segregation and he did not understand I stated to keep people separate like apartheid. He told me there were no apartheid just cultural and religious issues. He told me that Spain was struggling and that it would improve. What was going to improve?


As a tourist in Barcelona you are harassed on the beach by individuals trying to sell you drinks and sun glasses none of the individuals are natives to the country with broken English and equally broken Spanish. I wonder if they are trafficked. Are they struggling to pay off a debt? Are they sending the entire money home to their families? Are they depressed at the thought of their entrapment?  You could sense the desperation which was a little unnerving for someone looking to lie in the sun on the beach which is what I really wanted.


The situation is bad in Spain through the eyes of a tourist and on the last day we saw the individuals on the beach mainly African men fleeing toward us at the top of the pier there was an immigration control police car.  On returning to Ireland I read an article that made me smile when I saw that Spain will allow illegal immigrants access to public health care. 


In Ireland illegal immigrants can access public health care and are provided with medical cards based on need and income.  This situation will change and we need to be aware of all the changes within the EU to ensure that we protect the most vulnerable people who are trapped. They are often stuck in a foreign country what we need to realise is that country maybe our country.


I once met a woman who was over 8 months pregnant and had not seen a single doctor out of fear. I reassured her that she could give birth in Ireland and that the staff would take good care of her. I was lucky to know a midwife who reassured her over the phone that her welfare and that of the baby were the only concern of the hospital. She asked my friend to confirm they would not take the baby from her as she sat before me wearing slippers her feet were so swollen. She told me that she had been preparing to give birth at home. I told her about Noel Browne and the Mother and Child Scheme and explained that we have a proud history of providing good care to pregnant women .We need to make sure that we make good policy decisions and that our changes going forward in relation to health look at international best practice and not the budget costs involved.


 Spain to Allow illegal Immigrants access to free public healthcare http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/spain/11509227/Spain-to-allow-illegal-immigrants-to-access-free-public-healthcare.html

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