Thursday 27 March 2014

Racism ; Can I Really Do Anything To Make A Change?

Many of us question what, if anything, can be done to really bring about change. Maybe it is because we find the amount of change needed in the world as daunting and overwhelming. Or maybe it's because we are impatient and expect things to change immediately, but many of us believe that we can't bring about the changes.

The truth and answer to the question is YES you really can bring about changes, to help defeat racism. We need to realise that   'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao Tzu' . It's all about taking that single step forward to begin with, and there are lots of ways to do that. You could join a anti-racism group, or educate yourself about anti-racism topics. Or simply ensure that your actions, your words and behaviour are respectful and tolerant to those who are different from you.

You can bring about change, they may seem like a small change for you, but your kindness and tolerance may mean much more for anyone who has been a victim of racism and discrimination.


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